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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Overcoming the Challenges of Homeownership in Today's Market: Lessons from Real-Life Success Stories

Buying a home in today’s market has become difficult due to high housing prices and intense competition. As a result, many people are questioning whether the American Dr...

California Renters Await Federal Cash Injection Amid Housing Crisis

Amidst the sprawling skyscrapers and picturesque landscapes of California, lies a harrowing reality: a housing crisis that continues to deepen, leaving thousands of residents teetering on the brink of homel...

Government Aid is Not Enough: Why Housing Costs Must Be Addressed at Their Root

Government housing assistance programs provide critical support for millions struggling with unaffordable housing costs. However, demand for aid continues to far outstrip available resources....

Reduce Your Monthly Electric Bill with These Simple Tips

If you're not paying attention, your electric bill can get a little out of control. You often don't think about the small ways that you're using more and more electricity until you open the bill and find a number much h...

Massachusetts' HomeBASE Program: Opening Doors to Stable Housing for All

  In Massachusetts, there's a program that's making a real difference in the lives of homeless families. It's called HomeBASE, and it's all about finding stable housing for families...

How FAMU and FSU Might Have the Key to Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis

The affordable housing crisis continues to plague communities across the United States, and Tallahassee, Florida is no exception. However, in this time of need, Florida A&M University (...

What Are The Economic Influence of Rental Assistance on Landlords and Housing Markets

With the increasing emphasis on providing stable housing options for low-income families, rental assistance programs are becoming a linchpin in the housing industry.  These initiat...

For the first-time homebuyer: 10 financial mistakes to avoid

Buying your first home comes with many big decisions and can be as scary as it is exciting. It's easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of home shopping and make financial mistakes that could leave you with buyer...

Housing Assistance Program Opens for Wildfire Victims

Jackson County is mobilizing aid for its residents still struggling with the aftermath of the Almeda and Obenchain wildfires through a promising new initiative, the Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program (HARP). A...