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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

The Elusive Millennials Begin to Enter the Housing Market

Millennials have been slow to participate in the housing market. Historically, they have preferred to rent rather than own as a result of various factors. This has helped limit the sustained rally in home prices. Howev...

Real Estate Market Winners and Losers in 2020

As the home price rally continues, the market is beginning to be bifurcated into some areas where prices keep climbing unabated and others where home price gains have begun to plateau. The main factor that will influence prices in...

The 2020 Outlook for the Housing Market in an Era of Economic Uncertainty

Interest rates have stopped rising after increasing as the Federal Reserve Bank seeks to ward off a recession. In the past, rising interest rates has normally been a predictor of a stagnant housing mark...

6 Key Reasons Why This Winter Is Your Best Chance to Buy a Home

The winter months are almost upon us. If you're an investor and aspiring homeowner, winter is your best opportunity to purchase your new home. From an investment standpoint, the winter season offers you multi...

Will the Housing Market Continue to Prop Up the US Economy?

While job growth and business spending have been slowing down, the housing market still provides a bright spot for the economy. In order to keep the economic expansion going, the United States will need housing growt...

For the first-time homebuyer: 10 financial mistakes to avoid

Buying your first home comes with many big decisions and can be as scary as it is exciting. It's easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of home shopping and make financial mistakes that could leave you with buyer...

Why a Millennial Housing Boom Is Coming

The housing market has been experiencing a surprising boom, despite the pervasive volatile conditions that have been impacting it over the past decade. Research indicates that the millennial generation may be the ones responsible for th...

How To Avoid A Grant Scam

Foremost, you should never pay for a grant service. Applying for a federal grant is free. Many sites will offer a grant writing service or promise that you have a better chance to be approved for a grant if you put down your credit card. This is a...

Reduce Your Monthly Electric Bill with These Simple Tips

If you're not paying attention, your electric bill can get a little out of control. You often don't think about the small ways that you're using more and more electricity until you open the bill and find a number much h...