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Housing Insights Central

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Don't Make These Mistakes While Moving During the COVID-19 Pandemic

While it may not be the most advisable time to move, there are plenty of valid reasons to do so. Some have jobs they've already agreed to perform in a new state. Others are leaving states whose pandemic-rela...

Dealing with a "Frozen" Housing Market? Here Are Buying and Selling Tips

Right now, the housing market in the United States and many countries abroad is considered "frozen". In other words, government restrictions as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic has left many who were...

Housing Market Falls into Decline in Milwaukee

With the economy suffering a huge blow from the Covid-19 pandemic that's affecting the entire globe, many states in America are feeling more of an individual crunch than others. Some states, like the Dakotas, Montana, etc...

Is the Coronavirus Crashing the American Housing Market? Yes, but No.

It's no secret that COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on the economy. Any economist can tell you that we're in unprecedented times. The closest time in history to this was approximately 100 years ago with the so-...

Housing Market Showing Signs of Struggle

Covid-19 has been a global pandemic for around a month, though an issue as an infectious disease for over three months now. In all this time, one of the markets that stood the strongest was the housing market. To the surprise of vi...

Health Crisis Exacerbates California's Housing Crisis

For decades now, California has been open and proud about their large umbrella for any sort of lifestyle, proclivity, nationality, or anything else that can come into the state. They want to redefine what "diversi...

Potential Benefits to Come out of the Looming Housing Crisis

According to a housing report released by Realtor.com on Thursday, April 2, the current housing market in the United States is experiencing a 13% downturn, and it's expected to keep dropping off. However, th...

Congress Finally Addresses Housing Issues During COVID-19 Pandemic

After weeks and weeks of bickering and infighting between Republicans and Democrats over what should be included and left out of a Coronavirus stimulus package, the two parties seem to have agreed earlier ...

Is Your Housing Situation Affected by COVID-19? Here Are Some Options

The Coronavirus pandemic is officially recognized in every state as well as the federal government. On March 27, 2020, the most comprehensive public aid package in American history was signed into law by P...