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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

The USA Is in Another Housing Bubble

The last time single-family homes were built at the pace they are being built now, the housing bubble was about to burst. The number of single-family homes under construction grew for the third month in a row. These dwellings are driving ...

Best Winter Weather Tools for Homeowners to Go to Battle Against Snow

There is no doubt that old man winter is here to stay for the rest of the season. If you are a new homeowner, you may feel lost about what tools you need to have in order to handle the inclement weather c...

Joe Biden Arrived Just in Time to Fix America's Housing Crisis

America is currently in the throes of a massive housing crisis, but new president Joe Biden plans on answering the bell. The 46th President of The United States began his term with a to-do list that included...

City Looks Into Unused Hotels for More Affordable Housing Options

All over the United States, there is a severe shortage of affordable housing. Even if Congress managed to pass a bill that increased the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, there is no state in which that wo...

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered how different industries operate. For instance, the demand for houses has grown significantly, which means the U.S.'...

The demand has grown since people have been working from home to limit human interaction. If you are working from home, ...

Biden Fires Financial Chief After SCOTUS Ruling

Since the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) refused to hear a fraud case regarding the US Presidential Election, more and more people have been saying that something fishy is going on. Why is SCOTUS seemingly bending...

Baltimore Sun Defends Landlords

Baltimore, Maryland has a very long history of unsatisfied renters. When the rest of the popular mainstream American media speaks about things like "ghettos" and "slums", Baltimore is usually their apex example of how things have fallen apart...

Bay Area California and Unobtainable Homes

There has been breaking news in California this week, as home prices have reached an all-time high in the Bay Area, as they're creeping up that high in areas like LA as well. The typical home is selling for around $200,000 more tha...

Affordable Housing Is Difficult for Buyers and Renters to Obtain

Both prospective home buyers and renters across the United States are having a tough time finding affordable housing. In a report about the Ohio housing market issued by the National Low Income Housing Coalitio...