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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Affordable Housing Measures Put Landlords in Danger

It's an odd sight to see from time to time; people taking to the streets to shout that their politics are right, and the other person's politics are wrong, and vice versa. This is something that has been as American as app...

Should You Put Down 20% on Your Home Purchase? Look at These Reasons

Many prospective home buyers erroneously believe that they need to put down 20% on a house in order to obtain a mortgage. However, many lenders and available programs make it easier to get into that dream ...

Selling a house can be tedious and complicated, especially if you've never sold one before. Without the correct information, you might not know the st...

1. Inspect Your House and Make the Necessary Renovations Even with the proper maintenance, some of your house components...

With the right strategies and experience, finding a buyer for your home is easy and less complicated. However, if you're handling the procedures for t...

Besides, the process of selling a house comes with different challenges. For example, different buyers will come into you...

Baltimore Sun Defends Landlords

Baltimore, Maryland has a very long history of unsatisfied renters. When the rest of the popular mainstream American media speaks about things like "ghettos" and "slums", Baltimore is usually their apex example of how things have fallen apart...

Biden Admin to Push for Affordable Housing

The previous two presidential administrations in America have spent more money than the ten before them. There isn't a day that goes by in the United States where the federal reserve isn't printing out billions of dollars in cash t...

Washington Post Pushes for Afghani Relocation

In the United States of America, there are a reported three quarters of a million homeless people, and those are just the ones we can count and measure. In all likelihood, that number is tripled. There are around 50 million Amer...

Pod Living Gets a Remodel for the Housing Shortage

The city of Seattle is currently experiencing a boom in two areas: An influx of new residents paying upwards of 50% above market value for the few homes available, and homeless people. It's a crazy dichotomy to see, especia...

Factors to Consider before Moving to a New House

Are you considering moving to a new house? It doesn't matter whether you want to buy or rent; you should always consider various factors before moving. Moving in without a plan could lead to some regretful decisions, so it's b...