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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Evictions Caused by the COVID-19 Economic Crisis Could Make the Pandemic Worse

At the height of the closures instituted by local and state authorities, more than 30 million Americans lost their jobs. While some of those employers have since reopened and called back their wor...

How Would a Potential Biden Presidency Affect the Housing Industry?

Now that both political parties have wrapped up their conventions, it is time to delve into the specifics of their policy plans. After the pomp and circumstance of the election season is over, Americans...

COVID-19 Pandemic and Hurricane Laura Coalesce to Create Housing Crisis

In parts of Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, both renters and homeowners are dealing with the aftermath of catastrophic Hurricane Laura. The hurricane made landfall as a category 4 storm, with wind speeds ...

How the Housing Crisis and COVID-19 Are Creating the Perfect Storm

Both financial and health experts are growing increasingly worried about the effects of the COVID-19 virus on the housing industry. As more Americans continue to struggle to find employment in this unprecede...

It Turns Out the Suburban Housing Boom Is Coming Mainly From THIS Market

When industries around the world first started being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the stability of the housing market surprised many. Though landlords and luxury real estate investors were affecte...

Advocate Groups Concerned Landlords May Exploit Covid-19

All over the nation, tensions are increasing among renters as the numbers of infected with coronavirus continue to go up. One of the chief concerns among people who rent their apartments and homes is that they'l...

Fall is Almost Here. Is Your House Ready? Here is What You Need to Do Today

It will not be long before fall is in full swing. As kids begin to head back to school and the temperatures start their slow crawl downward, now is the time to begin thinking about preparing your ho...

COVID-19 Creates a New Type of Housing Boom

A remarkable 35% of renters have missed a rental payment between March and July because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many renters are in low-wage jobs in service industries that were hit hard by closures enacted in order to slow the s...

A Third of Americans Have Outstanding Housing Payments

Many readers out there are likely more than a little fed up with the fact that most of the news cycle in 2020 has been centered entirely on the novel Coronavirus, which first appeared in China way back in January and ...