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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

American Homeowners Gain $1 Trillion in Equity During COVID-19 Housing Boom

Since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic on March 13, 2020, American homeowners have seen their equity grow by $1 trillion. The housing boom has been driven by the pande...

Financial Solutions Available to Pandemic-Weary Landlords and Tenants

The housing situation nationwide is one of a "tsunami of evictions" without rent relief and possibly another stimulus package according to CNN. One North Carolina county courthouse reported 60...

Is Your House Up to Code? The Results of an Inspection May Surprise You

Most cities and municipalities in the US have established certain building codes that also apply to private homes. While most homeowners simply assume that their home is up to code, this is not necessar...

Finding Decent, Affordable Housing Is a Struggle for Families

The real estate boom that has gone on for the past few years has shown no signs of stopping. The inventory of new construction and existing homes for sale is at an all-time low, and the prices of homes are at an a...

Housing Shortage Is About to Get Worse

According to an analysis of the real estate market released by an industry watchdog on November 28, America's housing shortage is about to get worse. The combination of a solid stock market, good vaccine news and market-friendly cabinet...

Why Putting Your House on the Market During the Holidays is a Good Idea

Many families are taking advantage of this hot housing market to put their house on the market. While the holidays are generally considered to be the slowest time of the year to list your home, there ar...

Struggling to Pay Rent or Your Mortgage? Read This for Your Options

As the economy continues to sputter along as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the employment rate is hovering around 7% nationwide. As such, it is no surprise to learn that many families are havin...

Homeless People Take Over Abandoned School in Tacoma

In Tacoma, WA, police put on personal protective equipment in order to clear an abandoned school that had been taken over by nearly a dozen people. This action was taken on the night of Friday, November 20. The homeless pe...

How the Biden Administration Will Work Through Affordable Housing Challenges

As President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take the oath of office on January 20, 2021, he is facing a multitude of issues. The most obvious is the COVID-19 pandemic and its fallout. The economic rami...