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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

California's Housing Policies May Cause Wildfires Losses to Get Worse

On October 2, environmental engineers and fire safety professionals announced that California's wildfire destruction could be directly related to the state's housing policies. If the state does not make so...

What Maine Is Doing to Increase Affordable Housing Options

The lack of affordable housing is a common problem in Maine as it is in the rest of the United States. This widespread flaw causes more people to be at risk of homelessness. Those who live on an extremely low income ...

Biden's Housing Policies to Address Inequality and Racial Justice

President Biden promised to take steps in order to bring the United States toward the never-realized but frequently promised idea of racial justice. On January 26, he signed four executive orders around racial...

Does Housing Discrimination Past Affect the Present?

With a housing shortage affecting all Americans, and millions finding it hard to pay their mortgages and rent, it is clear that the country is suffering. Though while you might think that people would join together to do ...

No Money for Public Housing

It is a very weird thing to try to keep up with politics in America these days. Trusting what you're told by corporate media outlets has become more unreliable than ever, and believing what comes out of the mouths of politicians is the quickest w...

5 Tips on Choosing the Right House to Rent

Renting a house is a critical decision that requires enough time and deliberation. Looking for a rental home can be a challenging process that can lead to errors and cost you money, time, and effort. However, there are specific guid...

4 Important Considerations You Should Make When Buying a Home

Most people dream of owning a home now or in the future. While people have different requirements when searching for a house, everyone hopes to find a home that provides comfort and warmth for their family. Whi...

Is the Housing Market About to Take a Tumble in This Challenging Economy?

Rising interest rates and the ongoing threat of a recession would have sent prior housing markets into a slump. However, that is not what is happening in the U.S. heading into the fall of 2023. Ac...

Dealing with a "Frozen" Housing Market? Here Are Buying and Selling Tips

Right now, the housing market in the United States and many countries abroad is considered "frozen". In other words, government restrictions as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic has left many who were...