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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

The Housing Market Is the Most Volatile It's Ever Been: Here's Why

The housing market always ebbs and flows in different markets. After all, people constantly move around for jobs and other issues. On average, each American moves about eleven times within his or her life. Th...

New York Renters Strike in Potential Nationwide Rent Strike

At the beginning of April, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on all New Yorkers to strike against paying their rent. Whether they had money and could afford rent, whether they were working a...

5 Ways to Increase the Appeal of Your Home to Buyers

If you are hoping that lower mortgage rates and a reopening economy will help you get top dollar for your home, that is only part of the battle when it comes to selling. Sure, the real estate market has shown surprising st...

Will Urban Dwellers Move to the Suburbs Because of Coronavirus?

There has been talk that COVID-19 could permanently change the housing market in the U.S. The thought was that people would be moving out of cities because they are afraid of crowded conditions leading to spread...

How the Housing Crisis and COVID-19 Are Creating the Perfect Storm

Both financial and health experts are growing increasingly worried about the effects of the COVID-19 virus on the housing industry. As more Americans continue to struggle to find employment in this unprecede...

Mortgage Lenders Take Advantage of Flourishing Economy

The United States of America was one of the most hardest hit nations by the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. In totality, they nation lost tens of millions of jobs, a huge percentage of their businesses closed down permanentl...

Make Finding Your Dream Home a Reality

You may have decided on the house to buy from a specific neighborhood and hope to complete the buying process without too many hassles. It is possible to buy a home without following the traditional procedure of completing specific trans...

A Place to Call Home; The Latest Trends in Housing You Should Know About

It isn't easy trying to find a new home these days. Housing inventory still hasn't recovered in 2023. The supply remains at near historic low levels, but there is some encouraging news. Singl...

California's Housing Policies May Cause Wildfires Losses to Get Worse

On October 2, environmental engineers and fire safety professionals announced that California's wildfire destruction could be directly related to the state's housing policies. If the state does not make so...