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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Facing an Eviction After Supreme Court Decision? Here Are Your Options

The US Supreme Court blocked the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from enforcing the latest federal eviction moratorium on the nation's renters. This move marks a defeat for the admini...

How to Prepare Your Home for an Appraisal

When the real estate market is on the rise, so are home appraisals. Home appraisals are a crucial part of home buying and can determine how much money you get for your house. They are based on several factors, including the condit...

The 2020 Outlook for the Housing Market in an Era of Economic Uncertainty

Interest rates have stopped rising after increasing as the Federal Reserve Bank seeks to ward off a recession. In the past, rising interest rates has normally been a predictor of a stagnant housing mark...

Housing Authority Raises Rent During Pandemic

One will hear a lot of messages pour out during a time of crisis like we're currently in. By and large, those messages will be of hope and togetherness. They're often messages about everyone coming together and sharing...

Tips of Selling Your House for More During COVID-19

With the economy taking a gradual hit from the effects of COVID-19, the housing market has been one of the worst-affected sectors. Housing market experts have termed the current industry changes as remarkable as they have s...

Mini Housing Boom in July Stands as Hopeful Indicator

Life in America has been more than a little stressful in 2020. Even if one were to magically take away all of the protests and riots that erupted over systemic injustice in American policing, and even if one happened t...

A Guide to Buying the Right House for Your Needs

Purchasing a home is one of the most significant investments you will make. Hence, it would be best if you did not settle on one hastily to avoid regrets in the future. You may decide to buy the house in cash or borrow a mortg...

The Housing Market Is the Most Volatile It's Ever Been: Here's Why

The housing market always ebbs and flows in different markets. After all, people constantly move around for jobs and other issues. On average, each American moves about eleven times within his or her life. Th...

New York Renters Strike in Potential Nationwide Rent Strike

At the beginning of April, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on all New Yorkers to strike against paying their rent. Whether they had money and could afford rent, whether they were working a...