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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Keeping a Pulse on the Housing Market: How to Make Smart Moves

While no investment is guaranteed, one market has done exceptionally well, barring the Great Recession: Housing. This is because housing is a resource that will always be necessary. Unfortunately, it's also ...

Finally, Solution for Homelessness and Spiraling Housing Prices on Horizon

It's no secret that housing prices in desirable locations have been skyrocketing for the past few decades. As something that's often seen as a tenet of "generational warfare" between Baby Boomers and ...

Health Crisis Exacerbates California's Housing Crisis

For decades now, California has been open and proud about their large umbrella for any sort of lifestyle, proclivity, nationality, or anything else that can come into the state. They want to redefine what "diversi...

Worried about Eviction or Foreclosure? You Don't Need to Be in Most Markets

Eviction and foreclosure are an unfortunate part of the housing market that disproportionately affect economically disadvantaged people. In most cases, rent rises faster than wages, so people earning...

Congress Finally Addresses Housing Issues During COVID-19 Pandemic

After weeks and weeks of bickering and infighting between Republicans and Democrats over what should be included and left out of a Coronavirus stimulus package, the two parties seem to have agreed earlier ...

Potential Benefits to Come out of the Looming Housing Crisis

According to a housing report released by Realtor.com on Thursday, April 2, the current housing market in the United States is experiencing a 13% downturn, and it's expected to keep dropping off. However, th...

Don't Make These Mistakes While Moving During the COVID-19 Pandemic

While it may not be the most advisable time to move, there are plenty of valid reasons to do so. Some have jobs they've already agreed to perform in a new state. Others are leaving states whose pandemic-rela...

How to Lock in Mortgage Rates While They're at Record Lows

If you are looking to buy a property, one of the most important things you need to think about is mortgage rates. Just a one percent difference in interest saves people an average of about $60,000 over the life of th...

8 Things You Should Do Before Buying a Home

Buying a home is one of the best investments today if only you find the right one. Choosing the wrong house can affect your financial health because you will spend a lot of money and regret it. Therefore, you must understand the...