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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

These States Will Cover Your First Home's Down Payment in 2020

With home prices continuing to go up in the United States, many people have given up on the prospect of owning a house. However, the tax deductions associated with mortgage interest combined with these great state...

Atlanta Floats Idea of $100 million Affordable Housing Bond

Decade after decade, the city of Atlanta, Georgia has dealt with an increase in their homeless population, as well as issues in offering affordable housing to their growing population. It's one of America'...

Potential Benefits to Come out of the Looming Housing Crisis

According to a housing report released by Realtor.com on Thursday, April 2, the current housing market in the United States is experiencing a 13% downturn, and it's expected to keep dropping off. However, th...

Navigating the Homebuying Process: How to Finance Your Dream Home

Now that you’ve got your heart set on a dream home, it’s time to figure out the financing. Lucky for you, there are a variety of options when it comes to financing a home purchase. Before ...

Worried about Eviction or Foreclosure? You Don't Need to Be in Most Markets

Eviction and foreclosure are an unfortunate part of the housing market that disproportionately affect economically disadvantaged people. In most cases, rent rises faster than wages, so people earning...

Congress Finally Addresses Housing Issues During COVID-19 Pandemic

After weeks and weeks of bickering and infighting between Republicans and Democrats over what should be included and left out of a Coronavirus stimulus package, the two parties seem to have agreed earlier ...

Don't Make These Mistakes While Moving During the COVID-19 Pandemic

While it may not be the most advisable time to move, there are plenty of valid reasons to do so. Some have jobs they've already agreed to perform in a new state. Others are leaving states whose pandemic-rela...

8 Things You Should Do Before Buying a Home

Buying a home is one of the best investments today if only you find the right one. Choosing the wrong house can affect your financial health because you will spend a lot of money and regret it. Therefore, you must understand the...

Coronavirus, the Homeless Community, and Brewing Anger

Amanda Law is a successful Californian who just so happened to be born in Asia. She earns a six-figure salary, has a palatial home in the San Francisco Bay area, and has two dogs that she loves to walk. Golden retriev...