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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Find Your Dream Home: Top Expert Advice and Programs to Secure Your Ideal Housing

The pursuit of the perfect home is a journey that involves equal parts excitement and challenges. From deciphering the ever-evolving housing market to discovering housing programs that cou...

HUD and USDA Collaborates to Implements Updated Energy Efficiency Standards for New Homes

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have collaborated to update the Minimum Energy Standards for newly constructed ...

Foreclosure: Here are Options When You Cannot Make Your Mortgage Payments

The economy has improved during the past decade. The number of foreclosures has decreased since the last financial crisis. It is noteworthy that foreclosure filings are down 18% which is an improvement ...

Housing Market Falls into Decline in Milwaukee

With the economy suffering a huge blow from the Covid-19 pandemic that's affecting the entire globe, many states in America are feeling more of an individual crunch than others. Some states, like the Dakotas, Montana, etc...

Use Zillow Like a Pro: Agents Reveal Top Tricks and Undisclosed Secrets

Use Zillow Like a Pro: Agents Reveal Top Tricks and Undisclosed Secrets The housing market is on the upswing, and real estate agents are expecting a full recovery post-pandemic. Buyers and sellers are ...

Financial Solutions Available to Pandemic-Weary Landlords and Tenants

The housing situation nationwide is one of a "tsunami of evictions" without rent relief and possibly another stimulus package according to CNN. One North Carolina county courthouse reported 60...

Falling Mortgage Rates Aren't a Good Thing for Housing

People aren't exactly sitting on the edge of their seats, excited about receiving the newest details about America's housing market. This is because most of the news has been very bad for over two years now....

8 Tips to Guide You When Purchasing a Home

Looking for the right house to buy is similar to shopping for any other commodity. You must understand the kind of home you want, thoroughly research, and compare prices before settling on the best one for your needs. Here are eigh...

1 in 3 Homebuyers Are Missing Out on These Housing Assistance Programs

As the housing crisis continues, more and more people are struggling to find ways to afford a house. However, if you aren't fully researching your options, there is a chance that you're leaving m...