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Housing Insights Central

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Forbes Warns Rent Crisis Already Here

According to Forbes, one of the world's foremost financial publications, the "rental crisis of 2020" is upon is in full swing, and is one of the worst symptoms of Covid-19. Forbes has reached this conclusion by and large...

The Housing Market Is on a Wild & Curvy Upswing for the Remainder of 2020

Welcome to the new reality for the housing market. Who could have expected so many changes during the 2020 housing season? Economists had predicted that the 2020 housing market would be stable. There ...

Government Tries to Prop Up Housing Industry

Throughout the United States, there have been a handful of protests happening for different reasons. With most of these rallies, like people protesting for the economy to reopen, media and Democratic politicians call the people...

Pandemic Brings Up Questions of Housing Rights

Last week, rent strikes broke out in New York and a few other states, where thousands of people gathered around during the height of the virus pandemic to protest for free housing, among other things. Although it was simply l...

Zillow to Start Buying Houses in Pandemic Market

Founded in 2006, Zillow is one of the largest American real estate companies to ever exist, basically making a huge name for themselves online as a service offering an easily accessible database for millions of people buyin...

Why Home Prices Are Remaining Steady in This Market

The expectations in the housing market hardly match the realities on the ground. Even though many people cannot leave their homes to even view homes right now, the housing market is still considered to be holding up in the ...

Housing Authority Raises Rent During Pandemic

One will hear a lot of messages pour out during a time of crisis like we're currently in. By and large, those messages will be of hope and togetherness. They're often messages about everyone coming together and sharing...

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery

Australia Set to Build 30,000 Homes for Virus Recovery Over the past decade, Australia has been competing with European nations like Sweden and Germany to be a hub for social justice in the world, inviting in many more...

New York Renters Strike in Potential Nationwide Rent Strike

At the beginning of April, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called on all New Yorkers to strike against paying their rent. Whether they had money and could afford rent, whether they were working a...