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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Creative Village to Create 7-Story Housing Project

Orlando, Florida is one of the most popular and populous cities in America and is ranked the number-50 most expensive city to live in. While it's nowhere near as expensive as New York City or San Francisco, the fact is that...

Wall Street Investors Win Big in Housing Market

According to a Business Insider report from earlier this week, Wall Street investment firms are making billions of dollars on Americans' mortgages once again, capitalizing entirely on a struggling housing market that's on the ...

Do You Plan to Buy a House for The First Time? Here's How to Prepare for the Purchase

Most homebuyers face different challenges when purchasing property for the first time. For example, some buy homes in the wrong location or buy a property with different deformities because...

Corporations Claim There's a Housing Bubble

According to Forbes, Business Insider, Yahoo!, and other large publications, there's a housing bubble that's about to burst in America. Why are these corporate-owned media outlets all pushing the exact same news at the exact sam...

5 Main Features to Consider Before Purchasing a House

People have different priorities when buying a house. Since the buying process is challenging, consider writing your preferences down to provide a guide through the process and remind you of the features you should concen...

7 Things You Shouldn't Ignore When Buying a House

If you are looking for an affordable house, it is easy to lose focus on your goals. However, you should not jump into getting an offer before someone else or settle on a house just because you think you cannot get a better on...

A Looming Housing Crisis Being Ignored

A Looming Housing Crisis Being Ignored Forbes released an article earlier today, October 3, on the current state of housing in America. The gist of the article is that people were giving impassioned speeches at a housing conference, wa...

Past Family Models Help New Home-Buyers Adjust

The housing market in America isn't doing so great, and that bit of information isn't exactly new news. Home prices are higher than they've ever been at any other point in history. No need to adjust for in...

Why Home Prices Are Staying Storing During COVID-19

When COVID-19 first shut down the entire United States economy, experts forecasted that it would halt the steady rise in home prices that had been underway for the past several years. However, the opposite effect has happen...