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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Will Urban Dwellers Move to the Suburbs Because of Coronavirus?

There has been talk that COVID-19 could permanently change the housing market in the U.S. The thought was that people would be moving out of cities because they are afraid of crowded conditions leading to spread...

Mini Housing Boom in July Stands as Hopeful Indicator

Life in America has been more than a little stressful in 2020. Even if one were to magically take away all of the protests and riots that erupted over systemic injustice in American policing, and even if one happened t...

Make Finding Your Dream Home a Reality

You may have decided on the house to buy from a specific neighborhood and hope to complete the buying process without too many hassles. It is possible to buy a home without following the traditional procedure of completing specific trans...

Opening the Door to Your Dream Home: A Guide on Housing Programs & Advice

  Navigating the labyrinth of housing programs, seeking professional advice, and making well-informed decisions are crucial steps to becoming a homeowner. It is ultimately up to each indi...

A Place to Call Home; The Latest Trends in Housing You Should Know About

It isn't easy trying to find a new home these days. Housing inventory still hasn't recovered in 2023. The supply remains at near historic low levels, but there is some encouraging news. Singl...

The Housing Market Is the Most Volatile It's Ever Been: Here's Why

The housing market always ebbs and flows in different markets. After all, people constantly move around for jobs and other issues. On average, each American moves about eleven times within his or her life. Th...

Does Housing Discrimination Past Affect the Present?

With a housing shortage affecting all Americans, and millions finding it hard to pay their mortgages and rent, it is clear that the country is suffering. Though while you might think that people would join together to do ...

4 Important Considerations You Should Make When Buying a Home

Most people dream of owning a home now or in the future. While people have different requirements when searching for a house, everyone hopes to find a home that provides comfort and warmth for their family. Whi...

Why Home Prices Are Remaining Steady in This Market

The expectations in the housing market hardly match the realities on the ground. Even though many people cannot leave their homes to even view homes right now, the housing market is still considered to be holding up in the ...